
Hamburger menu for smaller viewports

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Currently when the browser is at a small width, out of pure laziness, I just made it list out the elements at the top that look like a nav. Honestly, I really hate the way it looks and I need to make a simple button (touch friendly) that drops those menu items down. I'll probably use a hamburger menu icon since most people seem to know what that means. This should be one of my next projects for the website.

For now I moved the top nav type area to the bottom when in smaller viewports. Content first, links second. I'll do the hamburger menu a little later. This is done in local.

This is now a problem because the menu at the bottom covers the content down there. Needs to be fixed in mobile view.

Done at a basic level. I'll probably make it better later but it works for now.