I am running into issues with elixir release
tiagodavi opened this issue · 3 comments
tiagodavi commented
erlang 24.1.7
elixir 1.13.1
Running on docker arm32v7/elixir:1.13
If I run: iex -S mix
erlexec works fine
If I run mix release
I have this error below when app is started:
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :exec.start/1 is undefined (module :exec is not available)
Does anyone know how can I solve this?
saleyn commented
Did you install erlexec or include it as the dependency in your project as per installation instructions?
tiagodavi commented
I included it as dependency
saleyn commented
You haven't provided any details about your OS, whether you tried to clone and compile erlexec separately from your project. Please do so first, and if it builds, the issue is elsewhere in your project's configuration.