
[Bug] Group add function needs to be fixed

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Does anyone know how to fix this bug? File handler.ts.
When you create a group and you export the json. If you load the json, that group works bad if you ungroup the group :)
I debug the code and i can see this:

  • First the line: const objects = this.addGroup(newOption, centered, loaded); creates elements in canvas. Imagine, you create two elements text
  • The line const groupOption = Object.assign({}, newOption, { objects, name: 'New Group' }); generates the object group
  • The line createdObj = this.fabricObjects[obj.type].create(groupOption); creates a group but when you add this group on canvas, canvas has three elements and not one. two text and a group, it must be only one, a group with 2 elements inside.

The editor is amazing, thank you very much for the work. If someone knows something with this, I ll appreciate it help

Example case:



I think I know what kind of bug it is.

I'll fix it.


Thanks! :)

Hi @salgum1114 ,

I'm also facing a similar issue. Any update/hint for this?

I created a pullrequest for this...