
Having error while generating client certificate from Downloaded CSR.

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I'm trying to generate the certificate from the download CSR. I'm following the and in the second point i have to generate certificate use the signature to call the API. I'm using this command to generate certificate

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in salt_edge_callbacks.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out client.crt

this is the output i'm getting.

Signature ok
Error opening CA Certificate ca.crt
140735626965960:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/'ca.crt', 'r')
140735626965960:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
unable to load certificate

Can you please help in this. I'm using mac.

Thanks in advance.

There was a wrong link for instructions, now it is fixed to this one: Hope this will help. If you will need help, please let us know.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi, @vlad1803
can you help me in this. I have connect to bank via opening
and after this, the page is redirected to success url.
but how can i get the connection after connecting bank, the docs are confusing.
Thanks in advance

Hi @singhpavittar,
You can do one of the following steps:

@vlad1803 after success url, when i'm fetching connections
i'm getting this error.

{"error":{"class":"CustomerNotFound","message":"Customer with secret: '' was not found.","documentation_url":""},"request":{"customer_id":"4498396"}}

if i send the customer secret in the API then i will get this error.

{"error":{"class":"AppsRestricted","message":"Not available for apps.","documentation_url":""},"request":{"customer_id":"4498396"}}

@singhpavittar. This is because on this step you created API keys for apps, but in quick start guide API keys is created for service.

Here is couple of solutions:

  1. if you are creating an integration that is intended to be used by backends, you can create API keys for service and will be available for you.

  2. you can use javascript callbacks to obtain connection_secret which you can use to get connection:

The following link will help you to choose authentication what is suitable for you: