
[BUG] crictl tool is missing

MurzNN opened this issue · 0 comments

Formula commit hash / release tag


Versions reports (master & minion)

Salt: 3004

Pillar / config used


Bug details

Describe the bug

After installing Kubernetes using main kubernetes metastate - the crictl tool is missing.
crictl is a required component for kubeadm init, without it it shows the error:

[preflight] WARNING: Couldn't create the interface used for talking to the container runtime: crictl is required for container runtime: exec: "crictl": executable file not found in $PATH
        [ERROR FileExisting-crictl]: crictl not found in system path

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Install all using main kubernetes metastate.
  2. Check availability of crictl tool.

Expected behaviour

crictl tool should be available out of the box.

Attempts to fix the bug

Install crictl manually, but it isn't the right way.

Additional context