
Ubuntu-22.04 Repo added - Warning about Non-LTS Ubuntu can be removed

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Due to this closed issue (saltstack/salt#62202), the warning * WARN: Non-LTS Ubuntu detected, but stable packages requested. Trying packages for previous LTS release. You may experience problems. can be removed and the fallback variables are not needed anymore for the case "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 22

# remove 22 version when salt packages for 22.04 are available
[ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 21 ] || [ "$DISTRO_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq 22 ]; then
echowarn "Non-LTS Ubuntu detected, but stable packages requested. Trying packages for previous LTS release. You may experience problems."

Oh, there is already a PR for this issue: #1914