
What's the correct way to install packages into onedir during bootstrapping?

smitelli opened this issue · 0 comments

Description of Issue/Question

When installing the new "onedir" version of Salt, by default there are no pip packages installed to allow for connection to a MySQL database. All of the mysql.* states fail with an error similar to the following:

          ID: db-user
    Function: mysql_user.present
        Name: testing
      Result: False
     Comment: State 'mysql_user.present' was not found in SLS 'salt.minion'
              Reason: 'mysql_user' __virtual__ returned False: mysql module could not be loaded

In order to make these work, I find I now have to install the build-essential and libmariadb-dev packages using the system package manager, then install mysqlclient into onedir using salt-pip. That works and is relatively straightforward, but it feels like I'm doing something wrong by installing things in this way.

The pre-onedir versions of Salt (3005 and earlier) worked out of the box in this regard -- once finished I was able to use mysql.* states without any additional effort. I opened this issue to inquire if there was a way for salt-bootstrap to make this simpler and less platform-specific for me.


sudo ./ -X -F -c /tmp
sudo apt-get install build-essential libmariadb-dev
sudo salt-pip install mysqlclient

Versions and Systems

  • version 2023.04.26
  • salt version 3006.1
  • debian 11 bullseye (x86_64)