
[2019.2.0] windows py2 not bootstrapping

Ch3LL opened this issue · 3 comments

Ch3LL commented

17:18:43        [INFO    ] Executing command 'Powershell -NonInteractive -NoProfile "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\kitchen\testing\pkg\windows\build_env_2.ps1 -Silent"' in directory 'C:\Users\Administrator'
17:25:54 >>>>>> ------Exception-------
17:25:54 >>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed
17:25:54 >>>>>> Message: 1 actions failed.
17:25:54 >>>>>>     Failed to complete #converge action: [execution expired] on py2-windows-2016
17:25:54 >>>>>> ----------------------

and then it tries to converge the machine again and we see this error:

17:30:00        Transferring files to <py2-windows-2016>
17:31:29        local:
17:31:29            Data failed to compile:
17:31:29        ----------
17:31:29            The function "state.highstate" is running as PID 3264 and was started at 2019, Jan 25 22:18:42.218000 with jid 20190125221842218000
Ch3LL commented

ping @dubb-b can you take a look here?

@Ch3LL working on this today


There was an intermit issue with the file transfer. I changed the AWS instance type to a better and faster model. The systems seem to bootstrap much faster now. I have not seen the timeout in the last two builds. There are test failures to fix though still.