
App Request: Graylog

Opened this issue · 1 comments


What does it do? Why? Please describe.

Graylog is a centralized logging solution that allows the user to aggregate and search through logs. It provides a powerful query language, a processing pipeline for data transformation, alerting abilities, and much more. It is fully extensible through a REST API. Add-Ons can be downloaded from the Graylog Marketplace.


Allow centralised logging of all docker apps as well as other items if running local

Links to further information

What are you willing to do to help?

  • I will you help with making docs if this gets picked up.
  • I will you help with testing.

Requires Additional Containers:

MongoDB: mongo

What is Graylog?

Graylog is a centralized logging solution that allows the user to aggregate and search through logs. It provides a powerful query language, a processing pipeline for data transformation, alerting abilities, and much more. It is fully extensible through a REST API. Add-Ons can be downloaded from the Graylog Marketplace.