
App Request: Homebridge

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I know saltbox is generally run on the cloud but us home server users could benefit from having this as an option.

I've used it in the past to link a ring video doorbell to my apple tv so I can see who is at the door on the tv screen.

@saltydk homebridge need extra docker permission (which are useless on a cloud server but necessary for a home server).
My though: we could create a setting like
home-use: true # false by default
to define the fact the server is used at home.
so, all roles tagged home-use will be denied installing until change of this settings by user.
Will be the same for Home Assistant, Pi-Hole, etc.

do role specific toggles instead, this will get too vague down the road, imho.

@JigSawFr did you end up looking at or getting anywhere with this?

Just added my thoughts on this

I'm inclined to move this request to sandpit or close it since there has been no activity for 12 months now.