
ErrorInitializingLibrary appears in Linux_arm64

jwj76 opened this issue · 1 comments

Version: 87.0.4280.141


  1. Running the built-in cefsimple is normal.
  2. Compile the code in the Lazarus example and run it directly to exit.
  3. WriteLn (GlobalCEFApp. Status) displays asErrorInitializingLibrary.
  4. In the 'CustomiExceptionHandler' function of 'uCEFMiscFunctions', add
    WriteLn(aFunctionName + ' error : ' + aException.message);
    TCefApplicationCore.ExecuteProcess error : Access violation
    TCefApplicationCore.InitializeLibrary error : Access violation
  5. Compilation target changed to win32_ I386 and Linux_ X86_ 64 is normal and will not display the above error.

The demos run fine in RaspiOS 64 bit but they fail in Ubuntu 64 bit for RaspberryPi. This is the same issue as #457.