
App crash when initializing CEF and WebView2 browsers in the same form.

salvadordf opened this issue · 2 comments

The latest WebView2 update seems to cause a crash when the application has CEF and WebView2 browsers in the same form.

Also reported in the CEFSharp project and the WebView4Delphi project.

I created an issue in the WebView2 feedback repository.

After further investigation I could see that this issue only happens when the application uses different versions of Chromium and Edge.
CEF 120 + Webview2 120 -> Not affected.
CEF 121 + Webview2 121 -> Not affected.
CEF 120 + Webview2 121 -> Affected.
CEF 121 + Webview2 120 -> Affected.

Update CEF4Delphi, WebView4Delphi and Windows to fix this issue.