
Small Betweenlands + Real First Person 2 Fix Request

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Firstly, I know this isn't at all the intention of the mod, but I thought I'd at least give it a try considering the activity of both mods' devs with something like this and this is the only mod that I found that could remotely manifest an answer. The Volarkite when using Betweenlands with Real First Person 2 renders the player's head in first person and obstructs the view and I wanted to know if there's any possibility of getting some sort of fix for this? I have no idea how hard this would be to do but again, I thought it'd be worth a shot to request.

Thanks in advance!

This is well outside of the scope of this mod, sorry.

The Betweenlands devs do still appear to be active, with the last commit being just over a month ago, and they have responded to issues much more recently.. It's possible they've just been a little busy recently, and will get back to mod development soon.

I'd not previously heard of Real First Person 2.

Ah well I figured. At the very least, thanks for the response!