
An API for Interplanetary Information Transfer and Reporting for Paranaura Colonies

Primary LanguagePython

Paranuara Challenge

An API for interplanatory colony information transfer and reporting


  • Install Requires
    • Python 3
    • Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper installed
    • Postgresql 10+
  • Run the following commands

    $ git clone git@github.com:sam-mi/paranuara.git
    $ cd paranuara
    $ mkvirtualenv paranuara -p python3
    $ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
    $ createdb paranuara
    $ ./manage.py migrate
    $ ./manage.py runserver
  • Visit

    • POST the list of companies at /api/companies/
    • POST the list of people at /api/people/
    • If a Company is referenced in the people.json data that doesn't exist it will throw a 404 with a message showing the missing company.id and the person.id for the failing row. This is done to maintain referential integrity of the loaded data.
    • View a company and its employees at /api/companies/{int}/
    • Compare friends at /api/friends/{int:id}/{int:friend}/
    • View food at /api/food/





  • Settings are located at config/settings/base.py & config/settings/local.py
  • Due to simplification admin and auth etc no longer work.
  • Due to the structure of the data, that a Person object has a foreign key to Company, its necessary to post companies before posting people.
  • Friends indicate an m2m relationship from Person to self, this means that some friends won't exist when they are being assigned, to handle this the ids are saved to a _friend_cache json field, calls to Person.update_friends will add missing friends, it's called on create and upon comparing friends. An endpoint could be created to force update, or a management command if necessary, or both.

Possible Issues

  • company ids count from 0 while person.company_id counts from 1, this may cause problems (i.e. there is no company_id with id 100, however it is referenced 10x in the person.json - the api will throw a 404 with a helpful message).
  • npm or yarn are required, node-sass can cause issues if not working correctly (e.g. after a brew update).
  • coverage is required to run from the virtualenv, it may break if running via a system install.
  • on certain systems pythons strftime can behave inconsistently showing a datetime not matching when it should, this may be caused by having supervisorctl or supervisor installed.

If any of these issues occur, please let me know so I can help solve them!

Test coverage

To run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report:

$ coverage run manage.py test
$ coverage html
$ open htmlcov/index.html