
This project implements the standard solving procedure for a 3x3 rubix cube as specified here. For a scrambled cube, it takes roughly 3.5 ms to solve (depending on computational resources) and the solution sequence is on average 245 quarter-turn moves.

Here are statistics for 10,000 cubes(100 scrambles each):

Created a web app which allows a user to input the state of a cube and see the solve steps output on the screen.

More to come:

  • photo integration (CV pipeline to accept 6 2D images as input).
  • implement AI solving methods. Because these have been implemented before), we look to improve their upper bounds in time.
    • thistlethwaite algorithm (upper bound 52 moves, takes roughly 1-2min)
      • ~6x less moves
      • ~10,000x slower (4 orders of magnitude)
    • korf's algorithm (optimal, upper bound God's Number, takes many hours to days)
      • optimal move sequence
      • ~10,000,000x slower (7 orders of magnitude)