List of college projects by undergraduates from 075 Batch, Pulchowk Campus.
- WordBlocks - @Sandace11 (bct075) and @pranjalpokharel7 (bct061)
- Path-Of-Reinvention-BaghChal - @sgr45 (bct071) and @Imsanskar (bct080)
- GalaCtic-Shooter - @NikeshDC (BCT052) and @ravip5921 (BCT065)
- Mad-Libs - @Santosh-p23(075bct082) and @sandeshpokhrel54(075bct076)
- Land-a-Job - @Itshyphen (075BCT064) and @Supriya090 (075BCT090)
- Scientific-Calculator - @0000Blaze (075BCT066) and @Shrestha33 (075BCT050)
- Store Management System - @sauzzon (075BCT083) and @acharyasandeep (075BCT074)
- BaagChal-SFML - @Imsanskar (bct080) and @Sandippuri (bct077)
- C++Genie - @NikeshDC (BCT052), @ravip5921 (BCT065) and @0000Blaze (BCT066)
- The Iron Throne - @Santosh-p23(075bct082), @sandeshpokhrel54(075bct076) and @subodh5(075bct088)
- Tetris-Brick-Game - @Shreem011 (075BCT084) and @Supriya090 (075BCT090)
- Penalty Fever - @sauzzon (075BCT083), @C000Ldude (075BCT078) and @acharyasandeep (075BCT074)
- A Day in Pulchowk Campus - @pranjalpokharel7 (075BCT061), @Itshyphen (075BCT064) and @neeshan (075BCT057)
Visualization - Huffman & QuickSort - @Sandace11(bct075), @UdeshyaDhungana(bct095), @pranjalpokharel7(bct061)
TheScholar - @NikeshDC (BCT052), @ravip5921 (BCT065) and @0000Blaze (BCT066)
Royal tour - @Santosh-p23(075bct082), @sandeshpokhrel54(075bct076) and @subodh5(075bct088)
Arthur-The-Gladiator - @Itshyphen (075BCT064), @Shreem011 (075BCT084) and @Supriya090 (075BCT090)
Ticket Manager - @Kuu44 (075BCT045), @lakshman-11 (075BCT046)
Global Aviation Database - @SmaranDhg (075bBCT086) @samD54321 (075BCT072)
Quick/Selection Sort / Dijkstra Visualization - @sgr45(075BCT071) @Imsanskar(075BCT080) @Sandippuri(075BCT077)
Visualization - Sort & BST - @sauzzon (075BCT083), @C000Ldude (075BCT078) and @acharyasandeep (075BCT074)
Visualization - @santos7117 (075BCT081), @Suyog-Dhakal (075BCT091) and @SurajPokhrel (075BCT090)
[Visualization] - Quicksort ( Huffman Tree( -@nisha056 (075BCT056) , @priyathakur1234(075BCT062), @ awalrujaa(075BCT069)
All members in the 075Batch team can modify and commit to this repository. Please be sure follow the format of this markdown.
Format : link - @username (roll-number)