
Fractal tree generated recursively using native JS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A fractal generating app using native Javascript and an instance of HTML5 Canvas.

Var Description
mainBranch Main generated branch
subBranches Sub branches that are generated recursively
travel Defines travel distance of branches
branchWidth Width of the stroke of generated branches
length Length of each new tree relative to window size
angle Angle of path of each new tree
start[var], end[var] Defines path starting and ending vals

Branches are generated that get smaller and smaller infinitely (i.e. 0 is an asymptote that the width of the branches will approach - leave it running for a while and see!).

NOTE: Runs best in Chrome!

Also: If you resize the browser, simply click "Generate" and the new tree will be created in accordance to the new browser size and position.

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