PYTHON In this project, we can add a new patient record choosing between available space in file. We used the concept of circular queue ,structure and file for implementing this project. It contains address, age, sex, disease description and specialist room number to be referred are available. Thus given information is stored in file. The information to be given are same in Emergency service. In this mini project, two features – searching and editing patient records are placed under a single feature. User can search or edit via. record number of the patient or his/her full name. All the information corresponding to the respective patient are displayed. These include the ones provided while adding a new patient record. If wrong information about record number or patient full name is provided, the program displays a message saying that no records were available. This features allows user to delete added record of any patient. For this the patient number to be removed is to be provided. Upon ‘Enter’, user can view the patient record and the financial records of the patient. To delete the record, press ‘Enter’ and the respective patient record will be deleted from the file.