
Few suggestions (i can try to do the PR if needed)

littleski opened this issue · 3 comments

  • (Description) Why not writing the type for each field, as well a props (FK, nullable, Unique, etc...) ? They are in the ERD, but the ERD doesn't embed the comments. Maybe having a config field top level or a specific markup per model to choose that ?
  • Is there a way, when using multiple workspaces to only have a synthetic "version" of a table in a workspace. For example, i want to clearly see the relations with the "user" table, but i don't really care of the objects related in the "User" workspace, i just want to see the relations, each other workspace, the same way, will fully document their domain, but in theses erd, the table "user" will show a synthetic version ? (Ideally, Markdown links to the right domain position would be amazing)
  • Is there a way to "Group" the workspace in the table of content ? or sort them alphabetically for instance, so it's easyer to find love when you have 20+ workspaces ?


  1. It seems good suggestion
  2. I'm not sure what you're talking about, is your idea not expressible with the existing @namespace, @erd and @describe?
  3. It would better to support more configurable options in the prisma schema file (generator markdown { ... })

Welcome your PR.