
Can you add support for image sitemap?

Opened this issue · 5 comments


I like this repo - so far the simpliest (no stupid requirements) with best documentation. Can you add support for image sitemap? Kindly see this:

I'd like to add it but currently have not enough time for it. A pull request is welcome though.

Yes, I see it as pull request too :D

Add images to an existing sitemap, or create a separate sitemap just for your images.

In order to support image sitemap you basically add new sub-lines according this scheme:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns=""

This increases sitemap.xml file-size. So what about "file-limits" in the case of increasing total generating code. This repo counts overall file-size automatically or in potential pull request I need to alter also "file-limits" part?

This repo counts overall file-size automatically or in potential pull request I need to alter also "file-limits" part?

It should count it well but that should be re-checked.