How to access iframe console in React using hooks
Arshanshagarwal opened this issue · 1 comments
Arshanshagarwal commented
Context - I wanted to capture the console of the iframe element I have created and use those logs to showcase a console in the browser
Code -
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { Console, Hook, Unhook } from 'console-feed'
const LogsContainer = ({iframeRef}) => {
const [logs, setLogs] = useState([])
// run once!
useEffect(() => {
(log) => setLogs((currLogs) => [...currLogs, log]),
return () => Unhook(iframeRef.current.contentWindow.console)
}, [])
return <Console logs={logs} variant="dark" />
export { LogsContainer }
Issue - I tried using Reference of iFrame to access the console, by passing the iframRef from the main code to the Hook and unhooking the same after using it. But it does not work, my logs state that was returned didn't have any elements in it. I tried using the same code for window.console, and it worked perfectly fine.
How could I use it?
isaacking5 commented
The same case has also come up for me, does anyone have any ideas how to work around it?
Please let me know