
[Feature] Generate and export acumulated types of schema fields

PabloSzx opened this issue · 3 comments

Right now @gqless/cli only generates the types of every argument by itself and inlines them, but it should also generate a separated and exported type of every argument together.

export interface Query {
  __typename: 'Query' | undefined;
  account_sample: (args?: {
    distinct_on?: Maybe<Array<account_sample_select_column>>;
    limit?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
    offset?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
    order_by?: Maybe<Array<account_sample_order_by>>;
    where?: Maybe<account_sample_bool_exp>;
  }) => Array<account_sample>;

The current workaround is to use TypeScript's Paramaters:

type SuperArgs = Parameters<typeof Query.account_sample>[0]

Thanks to slumtrimpet for the heads up via Discord and the Stack Overflow question

We tried convention naming which looks like export type QueryAccountSampleInput and I think it is awkward.

How about a simple utility such as Input<typeof Query.account_sample>?

New utility type available in gqty@2.0.2, Variables / Args

import { query, Query } from '../gqty';

import type { Variables, Args } from 'gqty';

function getUserName(args: Variables<Query['user']>) {
  return query.user(args).name;

function getUserEmail(args: Args<typeof query['user']>) {
  return query.user(args).email;

@PabloSzx thanks!