android-tools in required packages
Closed this issue · 1 comments
steckes commented
hey, it's a very cool project first of all!
Why are android-tools in the required packages, is it really required?
pacman -Syu --needed hyprland hyprpaper hypridle waybar sddm hyprlock konsole dunst libnotify fastfetch ttf-firacode-nerd ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd pamixer bash-completion cliphist slurp grim github-cli libmtp gvfs-mtp android-tools ntfs-3g noto-fonts-emoji
sameemul-haque commented
android-tools, it's not strictly required for this Hyprland setup. I added it (and some other packages) because I typically use them in my personal workflow and wanted to make sure I don't forget them during future setups. If you don't need android-tools
or any other packages, feel free to skip them when installing.