
Restart and Update command issues

Closed this issue · 5 comments

When you do either !update or !restart the game will not always start back up, likely due to a Steam Workshop update. This may be a known problem, but it should be fixed if at all possible.

I don't know if there's a fix for that atm, update or restart should be done under supervision if possible

Yes, but it isn't always possible (ex. Strike's stream was stuck at !binder drop but commands like !help were still going thorough. !stop did not work, likely because it wasn't in a bomb. The stream is now stuck with a blank non-game screen since I did !restart, as it was the last possible option. If I am able to recreate it, I can formally report the issue with !binder drop)

@MrPeanut1028 For future reference, I'd recommend using the !skip command. It's a SuperUser command that skips the currently running coroutine if it gets stuck.

Ah, thank you. I will definitely use that next time.

I'd really appreciate some help with this issue as I don't know any way I could get Steam to launch the game without it also triggering a workshop update. If anyone has an idea, let me know.