
Audio is streched

jongsun89 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @samirkumardas .
I'm trying to play audio with real-time created pcm data.
It comes slice by slice through websocket and use feed method on every websocket.onmessage.
It works cool , but sometimes or after long time sound is streched(delayed?).
I don't know the mechanism of this, but I assumed that pcm data is stacked in a queue while previous pcm data is processed(decoded or played).
but, i want to play the latest pcm data even if previous pcm is played to sync as real-time.
any idea to treat this ? like stop current played audio and play the latest every time when buffer is filled with the latest pcm

    encoding: '16bitInt',
    channels: 1,
    sampleRate: 8000,
    flushingTime: 1000
Aroxed commented

@jongsun89 Have you found a solution?
By the way, what is your frequency of feeding? I mean how many times per second you pass the data?
I observed two options: 40 instances of 200 bytes and 50 instances of 160 bytes.

Hi, I have the same issue, I found that when I continued to send audio bytes, the sound at the receiving end would start to be delayed. The longer I continued to send, the longer the delay. I checked the source code and found that startTime was much higher than currentTime. The difference between the two was 0.001 seconds when I first started playing. , but the longer the playback time, the difference will be more than 5 seconds. But I don't know why currentTime is slower than startTime

@t104360088 @samirkumardas I got the same issue, did you get solutions?