.NET Core Extension Pack

This extension pack packages some of the most popular (and some of my favorite) .NET Core related extensions. If you like it, please leave your Rating & Review and share with your friends. If you have any idea on how to improve this extension pack, I'm looking forwarded to hear from you. Just let me know your awesome ideas! 😊

Extensions Included

C# Productivity

  • C#
    • The main C# extension for Visual Studio Code powered by OmniSharp.
  • C# Namespace Autocompletion
    • Full namespace autocompletion for C#
  • C# Extensions
    • The Quick Actions is really a productivity saver.
    • Explorer
      • New C# Class
      • New C# Interface
    • Quick Actions
      • Initialize field from parameter (In Constructor Parameter)
      • Initialize property from parameter (In Constructor Parameter)
      • Initialize readonly property from parameter (In Constructor Parameter)
      • Initialize ctor from properties (In Class Body)
  • C# XML Documentation Comments
    • Type "///", it auto-generates an XML doucumentation comment.
  • Better Comments
    • It will highlight important comments in your code.
    • // * hightlight information
    • // ! hightlight important stuff
    • // ? hightlight some questions
    • // TODO: highlight TODOs
    • // @param PARAM highlight parameter info
  • Paste JSON as Code (Refresh)
    • quicktype infers types from sample JSON data, then outputs strongly typed models and serializers for working with that data in your desired programming language. For more explanation, read A first look at quicktype.
    • It supports C#, Go, C++, Java, TypeScript, Swift, Elm, and JSON Schema. I have to say THIS IS AWESOME! Just try it.
  • C# to TypeScript
    • Convert C# Models, ViewModels and DTOs into their TypeScript equivalents.
    • Useful keyboard shortcuts:
      • Alt + / - Run C# to TypeScript (To Clipboard) command
      • Alt + . - Run C# to TypeScript (Paste As) command
  • TODO Highlight
    • This can let you list all the // TODO: comments in the project. Neats!

Testing Tools

NuGet & Build Tools

  • NuGet Package Manager
    • It lets you easily add or remove NuGet package references to/from your project's .csproj or .fsproj files using Code's Command Palette.
  • MSBuild project tools
    • It provides MSBuild language service which contains intellisense for MSBuild project files, including auto-complete for <PackageReference> elements.
  • .NET Core Tools
    • Right click on a .csproj, .fsproj or .sln file in the explorer, then you can run .NET Core commands (Build/Run/Test) from context menu.
  • Path Intellisense
    • This provide you IntelliSense when entering <ProjectReference Inlcude="..." /> path.
  • Version Lens
    • Shows the latest version for each package using code lens.

.NET Core Productivity

  • .NET Core User Secrets
    • Extension mimicking Visual Studio's "Manage User Secrets" functionality.
    • Right-click on a .csproj file in the Explorer and select "Manage User Secrets" from the context menu to insert auto-generated UserSecretsId element and/or open associated secrets.json file.
  • .NET Core Add Reference
    • Add or remove project references for your .NET Core projects.
    • Right-click on a .csproj file in the Explorer and select "Add Reference" from the context menu.
    • You can Add or Remove project references by using the same "Add Reference" from the context menu.
  • vscode-proto3
    • Protobuf 3 support for Visual Studio Code
  • Run Terminal Command
    • Run predefined terminal commands from Explorer context menu or Command Palette.

ASP.NET Core Productivity

  • Essential ASP.NET Core Snippets
    • High quality ASP.NET Core snippets for Visual Studio Code.
    • It contains C#, ASP.NET Core, Razor, JSON (appsettings.json), EF Core, SignalR, gRPC snippets.
    • Most of the snippets are context-aware. The snippet suggestion only show up when filename pattern match.
    • Here are some of the most used snippets:
      • **/Startup*.cs
        • services-add-dbcontext: Generates AddDbContext() in Startup.ConfigureService()
      • **/*Controller.cs
        • api-controller: Generates API Controller class
        • mvc-action: Generates MVC Action
        • api-action: Generates API Action
      • **/*Context.cs or **/*Entities.cs
        • ef-dbcontext: Generates API Controller class
      • **/appsettings*.json
        • connstr: Generates ConnectionStrings section in appsettings.json
        • connstr-ip: Generates ConnectionStrings item in appsettings.json
        • connstr-trusted: Generates ConnectionStrings item in appsettings.json
  • ASP.NET Core Switcher
    • Switch between Page and it's PageModel (alt + o)
    • Switch between View and Controller (alt + i)
    • Create View for Action (alt + p)
  • LibMan Tools
    • Basic LibMan support for VSCode
  • Blazor Snippet Pack
    • A snippet pack for Blazor.


  • gitignore
    • It providing Language support for .gitignore files.
    • It can also add local .gitignore by pulling file from the the github/gitignore repository.
  • EditorConfig for VS Code
    • EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code
  • Peek Hidden Files
    • Toggle visibility of excluded files. You can easily toggle hidden bin and obj folders in your project.

Some other extensions you may need (Optional)

Recommended Settings

  • Visual Studio Code

    Disable renderCharacters feature in minimap can improve display performance.

      "editor.minimap.renderCharacters": false
  • C#

    The C# extension for VS Code already supports .editorconfig and CodeStyle analysis. (#648)

      "omnisharp.enableRoslynAnalyzers": true,
      "omnisharp.enableEditorConfigSupport": true
  • TODO Highlight

    Add **/*.cs into todohighlight.include setting.

      "todohighlight.include": [
  • MSBuild project tools

    If you'd like to configure all the *.csproj file that associate with MSBuild language mode. You can use the following user settings in your VSCode.

    "files.associations": {
      "*.csproj": "msbuild"
