
General usability improvements would be useful!

samkusin opened this issue · 0 comments

The emulator almost supports the entirety of the Mega II and much of the CYA/FPI portion of the GS side. There are still some improvements that relate to usability vs hardware emulation that would improve the quality of user experience.

  • Fix the vertical sync bug that causes a sync artifact with the IIGS mouse cursor
  • Sync the OS mouse cursor with the cursor on the IIGS desktop (right now mouse support requires mouse lock - and the various KEGS based ports support this sync feature)
  • Non debugger mode that hides most of the debugger GUI and add a toggle to enable/disable GUI.
  • Fast disk emulation where 5.25 and 3.5" drive operation need to run at the maximum speed possible on the host machine
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Apple II hires mode RGB color is a little off (looks obvious on a title like Temple of Asphai.)
  • Joystick button bindings - right now they are hard coded
  • Hotkeys/commands for IIGS key combinations that are otherwise tricky to get right by using the keyboard (especially the case on Linux.)