
Ocurrent-based CI for MirageOS

Primary LanguageOCaml

Mirage CI

This CI is a set of ocurrent pipelines testing various things for the Mirage project.

In src/pipelines/, there are two kind of pipelines:

  • monorepo: assemble monorepos and use dune to test the buildability of mirage projects as released packages but also by testing the development branches altogether.
  • PR: test PRs against mirage/mirage, mirage/mirage-dev and mirage/mirage-skeleton.


You need an ocluster submission token and a git server on which monorepo can be pushed. For the main CI, obtain a Github personal access token that has the repo:status authorisation and save it in a file.

Then use:

dune exec -- mirage-ci \
    --github-token-file <GITHUB_TOKEN_FILE> \
    --git-http-remote https://github.com/XXX/mirage-ci-monorepo.git \
    --git-ssh-host github.com \
    --git-ssh-repo XXX/mirage-ci-monorepo.git \
    --privkey ~/.ssh/key \
    --pubkey ~/.ssh/key.pub \
    --test-monorepos \

PR testing

To enable commit status reporting, make sure you have the proper authorization on mirage repositories, then add the selected repositories where commit status should be reported. Example: --test-mirage-4 mirage,skeleton,dev to report status for all the watched repositories.

When --test-mirage-4 is used, mirage#main is tested with mirage-dev#master on mirage-skeleton#mirage-dev.

When --test-mirage-3 is used, mirage#3 is tested with mirage-dev#3 on mirage-skeleton#master.

If two PRs are co-dependent, they should be tested together. In that situation the author can mention, for each PR, the other one in the description: when the CI sees a link to an other PR, it uses it for testing instead of the main branch.