
[Help] i dont see the npc skin changing {fabric tailor and taterzens}

Closed this issue · 18 comments

For skin fetching problems

  • I have tried many times to put a skin on a taterzens npc
    using /skin command and the npc was already selected

Describe the bug

i selected an npc , type the /skin command , using skins from my files uploading from my files,

it says that the skin was already changed , succesfully uploaded but the skins doesnt showed or changed ,still the same skin

also the mod will put a random skin on my npc after i summoned them

Which launcher are you using?

official launcher ? i mean is there any other launched other than the mojang launcher?

There are some cracked launchers that mess with skins. I don't support those, so just checking.

Do you use any other skin mods? Once you relog into the world, does skin update to correct one?

sometimes its update to correct one , sometimes it doesn't
oh so those cracked launcher messed up skins?
also why it does always putting up a random skin to my npc
is there a way to turn it off?

or is it connected to any online things that make it randomly putting random skins?
i never had those skins btw

also why it does always putting up a random skin to my npc
is there a way to turn it off?

It fetches the skin from player with that name.

previously ,it worked fine , when i put any name it will not load any skin
but now
it will auto load a random skin after i summoned the npc

also previously im able to change skin either from my files or online
now i can do nothing

Have you installed any other mods?

yea probably
but i think those mods doesn't affect skins

only mods that affecting gameplay like pehkui scale , physics mod ,taterzens ,disguise ,fabrictailor , firstpersonfabric , camera overohaul ,visuality

also custom player model

Can you try removing custom player model?


not working but if i playing minecraft with no internet connection , its working well
skin loaded well but i do have an internet connection ,things gone wrong

How can you change skins without internet connection 🤔 ?

also, can you please post a client log using the mods to replicate the issue?

oh now its worked , i have done something about the internet connection
so now its worked well ,thanks for your help ,i really appreaciate it :)