
Lightspeed pair counts and correlation functions for large galaxy surveys

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Template PyPI Read the Docs Tests Status Coverage Status

A package to count galaxy pairs at light speed and estimate 2-point correlation functions of large galaxy samples or mock catalogs, that works with angular, projected and redshift-space coordinates. Its main features are:

  • Speed
    By calling Fortran routines that implement efficient skip-list/linked-list algorithms, it can be extremely fast
  • Parallel
    Employs the OpenMP framework to make use of multi-core CPUs
  • User-defined Weights and Error Estimates
    Accepts weighted pair counts defined by the user and can also estimate statistical boostrap errors with minimal overhead
  • User-friendly and Flexible
    By carefully wrapping Fortran code in a suitable Python framework, it is very easy to use and extend its functionality by both novice and seasoned users
  • Bonus Track
    Lots of auxiliary and plotting functions to produce nice, paper-ready plots for 1D/2D correlations, complete with ratios, labels and even power-law fits

Getting Started

Input data consists of astropy tables (see Astropy Tables), which provides an excellent I/O framework for a variety of formats (ASCII, VOTable, FITS tables, etc.)

Gundam also employs special dictionaries (see Munch) to pack multiple parameters or output fields at once. Such dictionaries have attribute-like access with dot notation. If you are used to ipython's dot+tab completion you will love this.

A typical usage workflow consists of:

  1. Read data into astropy tables, usually one table for the "data" sample and another one for the "random" sample.
  2. Create and customize a dictionary for input parameters (e.g. to set binning, cosmology, estimator, etc.)
  3. Calculate the statistic (correlation function or simply the pair counts for a given geometry)
import gundam as gun
from astropy.table import Table

gals = Table.read('red_gals.fits')   # Read data
rans = Table.read('red_rans.fits')   # Read randoms
gals['wei'] = 1.                     # If there are no weights, just fill with 1's
rans['wei'] = 1.                     # If there are no weights, just fill with 1's

par = gun.packpars(kind='pcf')       # Get defaults for a proj. corr. function (pcf)
par.h0      = 69.5                   # Change H0
par.nsepp   = 24                     # Set 24 bins in projected separation
par.dsepp   = 0.1                    # Each of size 0.1 dex
par.estimator = 'LS'                 # Pick Landy-Szalay estimator 

c = gun.pcf(gals, rans, par, nthreads=4)   # Estimate pcf using 4 threads

c.qprint()                           # Quickly check the output fields (dd, rr, etc.)
gun.cnttable(c)                      # Or show counts in your browser
gun.cntplot(c)                       # Or plot the pcf

For further information please read-the-docs here. There is a very decent introduction so you can start using Gundam within 5 minutes, and of course the full API.

Example Runs

Data and code for 3 examples demonstrating typical use cases are provided in the repo (example_lrg.py, example_pcf.py and example_redblue.py). For the moment these are couple plots to illustrate what can be done with Gundam in just a few lines of code



You will need to have these:


To install Gundam, you have two choices: (1) use pip, or (2) build from scratch. Method (1) is useful if you simply want to use gundam. Method (2) on the other hand allows easy access to modify or extend the Fortran counting routines.

To install via pip execute:

pip install gundam

If you want to contribute to the package, you need to clone the Gundam repository and install with the "dev" optional dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/lincc-frameworks-mask-incubator/gundam.git
cd gundam
pip install -e .'[dev]'
pre-commit install

By default, this will compile and build the library in-place. Feel free to modify the CMakeLists file to suit your needs.


Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details