
Embed Trello cards, lists, and even boards on your web page with periodic updates.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Embed Trello cards, lists, and even boards on your web page with periodic updates.

Embed a card

<div data-emrello-type="card" data-emrello-id="{card short name/id}"></div>

Embed a list

<div data-emrello-type="list" data-emrello-id="{list id}"></div>

Embed a board

<div data-emrello-type="board" data-emrello-id="{board short name/id}"></div>

One more thing

Add emrello.js at the end of your HTML page. You will also need a Trello API key, which you can easily generate from here.

<script type="text/javascript" src="emrello.js" data-emrello-key="{app key}"></script>


Trello lets you embed cards and boards in your page like this:

<!-- embed as image -->
<img src="https://trello.com/c/ShRTNamE.png" /><!-- a card -->
<img src="https://trello.com/b/sHRtNaMe.png" /><!-- a board -->

<!-- embed as a JavaScript that renders the object by document.write -->
<script src="https://trello.com/c/ShRTNamE.js"></script><!-- a card -->
<script src="https://trello.com/b/sHRtNaMe.js"></script><!-- a board -->

<!-- using an iframe -->
<iframe src="https://trello.com/c/ShRTNamE.html"></iframe><!-- a card -->
<iframe src="https://trello.com/b/sHRtNaMe.html"></iframe><!-- a board -->

These methods get you a static card or board, and would not get updated with realtime changes (These files are generated every few minutes though). If you want to update your embedded Trello object more often than that, you need to use Emrello.js.

With Emrello.js you get the ability to embed lists as well.


Emrello.js is still at alpha stage. It has to have a lot more things before it can ever be used in production. Your contributions are welcome.

Head over to Emrello.js's Trello board. You will finds some things that need immediate attention in "Bugs" and "Features to be added" lists.

Kindly send all your pull requests to dev branch.