
LinAlgError: Singular matrix when running EBLUP Area Model

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I have a problem when running EBLUP Area Model using my own dataset. It is always stuck on Singular Matrix error even my auxiliary variables don't have strong collinearity. Here is the error :


I have tried with some combination of auxiliary variables, but always return error. Can you explain what is the cause of this error?

Hi, can you share data to help me reproduce the error? You can email it to me if more convenient msdiallo at samplics dot org

Hi @eki1381

Can you show me the full function call?

Also, is it possible to see the data? If so, you can email it to the address in the previous message.

Hi @eki1381

One issue can be if one of the standard errors is 0.
Are all your standard errors positive ( > 0)?

Can you test with the current samplics version and let me know if you still have issues?

@jerinv, this was the issue with your example.