
Changing UI elements

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In the app there are some buttons that do nothing useful for a current state of the project or inevitable lead to an error after clicking them. Disabling and hiding them will improve the app usability and declutter the interface a little bit. Below is the list of such buttons I found:

Mesh Visualization tool

  • Visualize volume

    Problem: This button is always active, even though the project might not have a FEM mesh, thus no volume to display. Clicking this button in such case will lead to an error:

      Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds.
      Error in zef_plot_volume (line 319)
      tetra_c = (1/4)*(nodes(tetra(:,1),:) + nodes(tetra(:,2),:) + nodes(tetra(:,3),:) + nodes(tetra(:,4),:));
      Error in zef_visualize_volume (line 4)
      Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 427)
      Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.

    Solution: Disable this button whenever the FEM mesh does not exist. Also, It would be awesome to add an explanation for disabled button in a tooltip.

    Solution example
      zef.h_pushbutton31.Enable = 'off'
      zef.h_pushbutton31.TooltipString = 'You should create FEM Mesh first'
  • Frame / Movie

    Problem: presumably, this button only makes sense in case if the model has more than one frame.
    Solution: Disable this button when there is no more than 1 frame in current model

  • Cutting plane mode


    1. It looks like it relates to clipping planes, but it uses another term "cutting plane" which is a little bit confusing
    2. It stays active even though the clipping planes are deactivated

    Solution: Disable when all clipping planes are deactivated. Rename to "clipping plane mode"

  • Plot graph button

    Problem: This button seems to work only after the FEM mesh is generated. Otherwise it causes the following error

      Error using matlab.ui.control.UIAxes/set
      Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the second element is greater than the first element or is Inf.
      Error in zef_histogram (line 15)
      set(gca,'ylim',[min(hist_y) max(hist_y)]);
      Error in zef_plot_graph (line 9)
      eval([g_list{2}{g_ind} '(' v_name ');']);
      Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 427)
      Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.

    Solution: Disable this button whenever the FEM mesh does not exist. Also, It would be awesome to add an explanation for disabled button in a tooltip.

Figure tool

  • Reset/Play/Stop/Pause buttons and "Loop on count" checkbox
    Problem: these controls do nothing for a single frame project

  • Many sliders are not having any effect in certain context. They might be hidden or disabled

    • Time is only used when there is more than 1 frame
    • Transp. rec, Transp. surf, Transp. sens, Transp. cones, Transp. add are always shown and active even though the Figure Tool might not even show surfaces, cones or sensors at a given moment. This often leads to confusion when the wrong slider is used mistakenly.

Mesh tool

  • Meshing accuracy control
    In practice this value should always be 1. Changing this parameter leads to degrading accuracy.
    Solution: Remove this input field
  • Downsample surfaces
    Solution: Rename this checkbox to Resample surfaces