
Rust code doesn't conform to commonly accepted `unsafe` semantics

ashpil opened this issue · 2 comments


So I'm not very familiar with the project, but I've done a fair bit of Rust and one of my friends is currently taking 6120, so I looked a little bit through the code. It seems some of the Brilrs code isn't using the commonly accepted Rust definitions of unsafe, which means that one could accidentally run into undefined behavior. Now these issues aren't actually being realized at the moment, but it might be good to conform to Rust standards to ensure correctness in the future.

The commonly accepted Rust standard is to say that

A function should be marked as unsafe if it's possible to cause undefined behavior by calling it from safe code.

If one were to do (in entirely safe code)

let bbprog: BBProgram = prog.try_into()?;
interp::execute_main(&bbprog, out, &input_args, profiling)?;

one could actually cause undefined behavior if the program passed into execute_main is not a valid program. This is because (if I'm reading correctly) execute_main assumes the program has been type-checked


Lines 184 to 218 in 30c836c

impl From<&Value> for i64 {
fn from(value: &Value) -> Self {
if let Value::Int(i) = value {
} else {
// This is safe because we type check the program beforehand
unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() }
impl From<&Value> for bool {
fn from(value: &Value) -> Self {
if let Value::Bool(b) = value {
} else {
// This is safe because we type check the program beforehand
unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() }
impl From<&Value> for f64 {
fn from(value: &Value) -> Self {
if let Value::Float(f) = value {
} else {
// This is safe because we type check the program beforehand
unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() }

which is not enforced by the Rust compiler. Thus one can cause undefined behavior in entirely safe code, which is against Rust conventions. As I said, this is of course not a real problem and it doesn't currently ever materialize itself, but it might be nice to write better Rust.

There's a couple possible solutions to this, if it is worth solving:

  1. Have type_check return some sort of TypedProgram, and execute_main can only take in a TypedProgram, guaranteeing that the program has been type-checked. This solution makes the most sense to me.
  2. Mark execute_main as unsafe. This is probably the least work but is very sad.
  3. An unreasonable solution: rework nodes/type-checking so that type-checking returns a new tree that doesn't even have the nodes that should be unreachable. This is very Haskell-y and a huge pain to do.

Just to add some context to this issue. This specific issue arises from two design decisions of brilirs: to separate type checking from the execution of instructions(which opens the possibility of type checking to be ignored)(motivated by #122 (review)) and the introduction of unsafe code for performance reasons(motivated by #122 (comment)).

I think this only became an issue with #180 which defined the public library interface of the brilirs and allows other programmers to bypass type checking which is otherwise currently guaranteed to run in brilirs.

To elaborate on the suggested solutions:

  1. To avoid code duplication this should probably be implemented with where the TypedBBProgram is just a wrapper around BBProgram. On would need to make sure that a user couldn't create a TypedBBProgram themselves which would defeat the purpose. (Low effort)
  2. I may be more sympathetic to just marking execute_main as unsafe to avoid forced type checking/validation but I understand it isn't the cleanest solution. (Low effort)
  3. You could take this to different levels. The only node that this applies to in the tree is the Literal node which I don't think Rust has the typing support to make any neater. However, (with benchmarking) this could probably be returned to safe code since I don't think it would add much runtime cost. The benefit of unsafe comes from accessing the correct constructor of the Value enum which is the representation of data in the Environment(aka stack) and Heap. One could imagine parameterizing the Environment based on the type of the data it holds like Environment<i64> and maintaining an environment for each type of data. There would probably be a performance hit(more benchmarking) from having to generate multiple environments(Could also do multiple heaps?) on each function call but each of the accesses would avoid any unsafe code. There may be other type wizardry that I'm not aware of that does this better. (This is a comparatively larger amount of work and and could be slower).

Some additional(but not necessarily better) solutions:

  1. Remove the public api to brilirs or replace it with a function that calls type checking + execute_main. (Low effort)
  2. Do nothing and make a note of the precondition for valid Bril programs in the documentation. (Low effort and non-idiomatic).
  3. Remove the unsafe code and take the performance hit. (Low effort but against the principle of brilirs)

I don't have a strong opinion either way, but I just wanted to point out that the new type pattern actually could (if properly exported) guarantee that TypedBBProgram is constructed only by the type checker and nobody else has the power to "wrap" stuff themselves.