
Consider changing namespace

samrap opened this issue · 4 comments

The Acf namespace does not properly reflect the package. Consider renaming this to a more descriptive namespace, or simply using Samrap\Acf.

I think Samrap\ACF would be cool. It makes sense for it to be your github handle (unless you wanted to make it the name of an organization or something like that). I also personally much prefer a capitalized "ACF" as it's an acronym.

I agree with the base namespace being Samrap as that is the convention. As far as the class name, there is a good discussion here about following the PSR StudlyCaps rule when dealing with acronyms. I personally prefer following strictly to StudlyCaps as do some large frameworks like Zend, Laravel, etc. For that reason, I will be changing the full namespace to Samrap\Acf, leaving the class name unchanged :)

Implementing this I realize it makes the most sense to namespace everything under Samrap\Acf, so the final class name would be Samrap\Acf\Acf. Not sure how I feel about that. But without it, the internal classes are Samrap\Fluent\Builder, etc.

Confirming that the root namespace of this project will be Samrap\Acf.