A simple String To BSON Parsing library in javascript
This parser only creates the following js objects for now :
ObjectID, ISODate, NumberLong, Date
npm install stringtobsonjs --save
Parsing a string to a javascript object with mongo objects :
var parser = require('stringtobsonjs');
var string = "{_id: ObjectID('56bdf41a6a0da0d00254cc2a'), born_on: ISODate(2012-02-12), ms_in_life: NumberLong('31242314123421342'), expire: new Date(2012-02-01)}";
This piece of code will return a parsed js object.
Parsing an object with mongoDB properties to a string :
var mongojs = require('mongojs');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var parser = require('stringtobsonjs');
var obj = {
_id : new mongojs.ObjectID('56bdf4d36a0da0d00254cc2b'),
date : new Date('2012-02-1'),
long : mongojs.Long.fromString('1231231231231230985345'),
text : 'some text',
array : ['an', 3432, 'array'],
obj : { key1 : 'value1'}
console.log(parser.toString(obj, true));
The output will be the following string:
_id: ObjectID("56bdf4d36a0da0d00254cc2b"),
date: ISODate("Wed Feb 01 2012 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST)"),
long: NumberLong("-4700621707308972927"),
text: "some text",
array: ["an",3432,"array"],
obj: {key1: "value1"}
Note : the
function takes a boolean as the second parameter to specify whether the output should be formatted or not. (Newline formatting with\n