need %%copyrec (for row polymorphic functional record update)
jeske opened this issue · 0 comments
jeske commented
We have a need for two related capabilities:
- ...a way to make a copy of an open polymorphic record
- ...a way to make a new record which differs from an existing open polymorphic record only in a subset of fields
The latter could be expressed in terms of the former copy with a few mutates.
The function change_zipcode
below performs a functional update to any record type, using a mythical %%copyrec
primitive (which clones/copies the input record). Note, it is impossible to build this without a new primitive.
(define (change_zipcode rec new_zip) : ({zipcode=int ...} -> {zipcode=int ...})
(let ((new_rec (%%copyrec rec)))
(set! new_rec.zipcode new_zip)
OCaml has a nice syntax for functional record updates that looks like this:
let info = { name = "David" ; zipcode = 90210 }
let new_info = { info with zipcode=41111 }
If translated to Irken, this might look something like:
(define info { name="David" zipcode=90210 })
(define new_info {info with zipcode=41111 })
Which might be translated into the equivalent of:
(define new_info
(let (($newrec (%%copyrec info))
(set! $newrec.zipcode 41111)