Cannot create new class
Opened this issue · 6 comments
I'm getting Attempt to call function 'new' in base 'NativeScript' on a null instance.
every time I want to create a class.
Tried example project, same result
Did you copy the discord sdk into the plugin dir? Can show me the output of this command:
ls (whereever you put the project)/addons/discord_game_sdk/
Of course I did. I also checked the paths in the library, everything is ok
I have the same issue
Of course I did. I also checked the paths in the library, everything is ok
Ok cool but can you show me the contents of addons/discord_game_sdk directory as seen from your file viewer(not godot).
@DerSchlaueFrosch Had some time to look at this issue. I think the problem is the discord sdk has renamed a file since I created this plugin. Try renaming the file like so: