What happens on job exit?
vorce opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello and thanks for this project. I am evaluating whether we should use rihanna for some job scheduling and the FAQ entry about job duration stood out to me:
One thing to be aware of is that if you restart your application (e.g. because you deployed) then all running jobs on that node will be exited. For this reason it is probably sensible not to make your jobs take an extremely long time.
Can you elaborate a little on this? What does exit mean here..? Is the job considered "done", put into some error state or requeued?
For some context: We will have jobs that can potentially take quite a long time to finish (30mins+) and use CD extensively. So any job that gets interrupted due to a deployment needs to be finished at some point (restarted).
Thanks again and have a nice day!
If the node is killed, the advisory lock on the job will be released and the job will be automatically picked up by the next running dispatcher.
Effectively, the job is put back on the queue.
All Rihanna jobs are guaranteed to be executed at least once by design.