Running on many apps in an umbrella
iacobson opened this issue · 6 comments
I am using the library in one application inside an umbrella with many other apps.
Now I was trying to use it in another app. Each of the apps has its own repo and database.
Encountered 2 issues:
- the
is already started by one of the apps, so it cannot be started by the other one as well - the configuration gets overwritten as part of the umbrella config
Would it be a way to make it work in an umbrella app?
PS: isn't that funny? having trouble running rihanna under the umbrella
@iacobson Haha love the pun.
Actually it's quite possible to run Rihanna as part of an umbrella app, and I have run it like this before. You'll need to boot the dispatcher separately and pass in the configuration at runtime.
Check out the dispatcher here:
If you have any more questions lmk
Thanks, would that mean to implement a different Supervisor?
So my current config is:
- I do not have this at all in the config, because of umbrella apps common config:
config :rihanna,
producer_postgres_connection: {Ecto, MyApp.Repo}
- in my application file:
{Rihanna.Supervisor, [postgrex: MyApp1.Repo.config()]},
same for MyApp2
The error I get when starting the server:
** (Mix) Could not start application my_app_1: MyApp1.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: Rihanna.Supervisor
** (EXIT) shutdown: failed to start child: Rihanna.Job.Postgrex
** (EXIT) already started: #PID<0.1095.0>
The same would happen with Rihanna.TaskSupervisor or any other named process.
Would you have some example from an umbrella app?
We have one dedicated umbrella app for the worker:
defmodule RihannaWorker.Application do
@moduledoc false
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
db = Keyword.take(MyApp.Repo.config(), [:username, :password, :database, :hostname, :port])
children = [
{Task.Supervisor, name: Rihanna.TaskSupervisor},
id: Rihanna.JobDispatcher,
start: {Rihanna.JobDispatcher, :start_link, [[db: db], [name: Rihanna.JobDispatcher]]}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: RihannaWorker.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
You can enqueue jobs from elsewhere simply with Rihanna.enqueue
Thanks, I created a dedicated umbrella app for Rihanna.
This partially solves the issue. I can start the Task.Supervisor
there, but not the JobDispatcher
I have different Repos for different umbrella apps where using Rihanna.
So what I did, I started the TaskSupervisor
from the new RihannaWorker app, and started a dispatcher in the application.ex
of each app where using Rihanna like:
def start(_type, _args) do
db_config =
Keyword.take(MyApp1.Repo.config(), [:username, :password, :database, :hostname, :port])
children = [
id: Rihanna.MyApp1JobDispatcher,
{Rihanna.JobDispatcher, :start_link,
[[db: db_config], [name: Rihanna.MyApp1JobDispatcher]]}
Same for MyApp2 etc.
But now I have a new problem: Rihanna.Job.Postgrex
As I could not add the config :rihanna, :producer_postgres_connection
to each app because of the umbrella, it needs the default Rihanna.Job.Postgrex
that I cannot configure for each app.
Just for testing purposes, I ended up with a hack: dynamically setting the config when enqueueing the job, like:
Application.put_env(:rihanna, :producer_postgres_connection, {Ecto, MyApp1.Repo})
Rihanna.enqueue(MyApp1.SomeTask, [])
But I do not feel confident in this to use it as a solution.
Any recommendations?
Uff Yes that's not a good solution.
Probably the only way to resolve this is to allow an optional argument to Rihanna.enqueue that takes a connection - which can be wrapped for each app.
Would you like to put together a PR to do this?