Add Python regexp syntax
idan opened this issue · 4 comments
Reggy looks awesome. I would love to see python regexp syntax supported!
I didn't realize Python had it's own syntax, as I don't really use it. If someone can find an objective-c or c library for parsing them, it would be possible to add support for it.
Currently Reggy uses OgreKit for all syntaxes.
Hmm, not sure that python has something which is unique to it, TBH I don't know much about variants of regexp flavors.
Best resource I was able to google on the subject: -- I don't see anything about python-specific extensions, only a few things that it doesn't support.
So should pythoneers just be using one of the POSIX variants?
Thanks for making this awesome tool.
Ah, looks like there are some python-specific things, like python-style named capture groups. I don't know if there's an objc library for this, totally understand why you might not be interested in spending time on this. Thanks all the same!
Looks like OgreKit has supported the syntax for at least the last ten years if this post from 2005 is anything to go by. This would at least mean that RE's with named captures would 'work'.
Of course ideally we'd still need Reggy to do something with the named captures after that, like say a new window/pane with name:value pairs.