
user lives and lose menu

Closed this issue · 11 comments

User has 4 lives, when he dies, show the word on all incomplete bubbles, and then wait 10 seconds or so for next level start. also make a button they can press for instant restart.

Downloaded and am using font awesome for life meter
and heart-o is an empty heart to show lost life. This all keeps with the no images for styling or the game theme i'm trying to go with.

to include font-awesome, use:

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

learned that Raphael doesn't allow lark-up in it's text elements. may have to use a div overlay for life. Will try to include as style may not work with non- <i> element.

doesn't work with Raphael text so overlay it is.

created a life class, have it showing in the game, a lose reflects in the life count at the moment. Still need to make it show all words on screen and wait ten secs(or 5 or whatever seems appropriate) then restart level. Also when all lives gone, show lose menu.

successfully waiting (2 secs for easy testing) but won't auto reset after.

im an idiot, was using lose in the if statement, need to use lost as that's the variable name. Added a few more things after. Need to see if it's the final kill and also display the english words while it waits to reset.

Checks for final kill, then displays the lose menu. Restart level starts you at 4 lives. Need to make it reset effective level to 0 as well.

There we go, lives seem to be working perfectly.

talking to yourself? haha

Use it for debugging purposes later so I know which steps I was taking.