
Tiled image not loading correctly

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I create two new apps using both Next.js and React + Vite.js, and installed Clover 2.8.1. In both cases, the tiled image is not working. It shows a small thumbnail, but we can't zoom the image.


I then uninstalled Clover, and installed previous versions of clover. version 2.5 works in both apps, which is before adding the image viewer component.

Nextjs repo

import dynamic from "next/dynamic";

const Viewer = dynamic(
  () => import("@samvera/clover-iiif").then((Clover) => Clover.Viewer),
    ssr: false,

export default function Home() {
  const iiifContent =

  return <Viewer iiifContent={iiifContent} />;

React repo

import Viewer from "@samvera/clover-iiif/viewer";

function App() {
   const iiifContent =

  return <Viewer iiifContent={iiifContent} />;

export default App