
Dotfiles that I use on my linux systems

Primary LanguageShell

Dotfiles for Arch and NixOS (soon eheh)

Packages Used

Window Manager ............. i3
Terminal ................... kitty
Shell ...................... zsh
Locker ..................... i3lock
Fonts ...................... FiraCode
Screen Capturing ........... flameshot
Clipboard Manager .......... CopyQ
Browser .................... Google Chrome
Editor ..................... NeoVim
Audio tool ................. PulseAudio
File Manager ............... thunar
Media Player ............... mpv
Launcher ................... rofi
Status Bar ................. polybar
GTK Theme .................. Catppuccin-Mocha
Icon Theme ................. Adwaita
Notification Daemon ........ dunstr
Hotkey Daemon .............. sxhkd

How to install