
Add windows 10 uwp platform

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Add support for windows 10 uwp - especially offline support

There are some existing repos that can serve as starting point: (including offline support)

i can't see me doing this because of 2 major probs:

no official mixpanel support: => windows phones not there... =>. again, can't find any windows sdk

I don't have the right tool for the job

I'm using a mac and getting a windows phone dev env on it is doable but is a bitch.
i found some guides explaining how to setup a VM, so actually the dev env is on windows running in a vm...
I don't have a windows 8 (or 10) copy so anyway not doable atm.

and that is the biggest problem, i dont wanna write code i cannot verify is working.

if you or anyone wants to implement this & test it i'll gladly accept a PR!

those links you posted are a nice starting point! its sad that they are not updated regulary.