
Old Documentation/Readme

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I'm trying to use your plugin to add mixpanel trackin for my ionic app but the documentation is really messed up. I already used the default mixpanel api in on a web/javascript website and learned how to use it. But on your plugin things works kinda weird.


It says:

import { Mixpanel } from '@ionic-native/mixpanel';

constructor(private mixpanel: Mixpanel, private mixpanelPeople: MixpanelPeople) { }

But then ionic calls for an error for mixpanelPeople, so my in my code I've to import

import { Mixpanel, MixpanelPeople } from '@ionic-native/mixpanel';

After that I want to identify a user and set some properties. Here it says that mixpanel.people.setOnce is the function call but it cant locate this method, only by calling this.mixpanelPeople.setOnce but the Browser consolelog shows:

Native: tried calling Mixpanel.setOnce, but the Mixpanel plugin is not installed.

Someone can help me with the actual way of calling setOnce properties?

if using ionic wrapper, then MixpanelPeople.setOnce.
if using my plugin directly, then mixpanel.people.setOnce