stdProcess - massive slow downs due to deprecated code
sancarn opened this issue · 0 comments
sancarn commented
stdProcess.CreateAll() method is incredibly slow. The root cause of the slow down comes from getModuleIDByPid
function, which always returns 0 anyway... Comment out the line in protInitFromProcessId
Friend Sub protInitFromProcessId(ByVal argID As Long, Optional ByVal argName As String = "", Optional ByVal argPath As String = "", Optional ByVal argModuleID As Long = 0)
pProcessId = argID
pName = argName
pPath = argPath
'If argModuleID = 0 Then pModuleID = getModuleIDByPid(argID) '<------ commented
If Len(argName) = 0 Then pName = getProcessNameById(argID)
If Len(argPath) = 0 Then pPath = getProcessImageName(argID)
pQueryInfoHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, argID)
End Sub