
GraphQL with springboot demo

Primary LanguageJava

Springboot with GraphQL Demo

The source code in this module is to support this blog post

#This is a CRUD application to demo a SpringBoot and GraphQL integration.

Examples which needs to run from postman:


all POST calls

  1. --------------------------------------Fetch { findAllAuthors { id name age } }

{ findAllTutorials { id title description author { id name } } }

  1. ----------------------------------------Create mutation { createAuthor (name: "Author4", age : 44) { id name age } }

mutation { createTutorial (title: "Thirsty Crow", description: "Story of thirsty crow", author: 2) { id title description } }

  1. --------------------------------------------------------Update mutation { updateTutorial (id: 5, title: "Thirsty Crow 2", description: "Story of thirsty crow") { id title description } }

  2. --------------------------------------------------------Delete mutation { deleteTutorial (id: 5) }