
Search NEU eventual notification backend needs data to notify

Opened this issue · 2 comments

On the new updater, we should send bodies of the following form to

// records of hash -> search query info
  updatedCourses: CourseNotificationInfo[];
  updatedSections: SectionNotificationInfo[];

Where CourseNotificationInfo and SectionNotificationInfo are defined as

type CourseNotificationInfo = {
  courseCode: string;
  courseHash: string;
  term: string;
  numberOfSectionsAdded: number;
  campus: string;

type SectionNotificationInfo = {
  courseCode: string;
  sectionHash: string;
  term: string;
  seatsRemaining: number;
  crn: string;
  campus: string;

and courseCode is subject + classID (for instance, CS 2500)

(subject to change, mostly when @gamburgm and @dajinchu stop talking about Alignable)

Can we rename one of courseCode and courseHash?

also, by campus do you mean host or cps / law?