
My Personal Website

Primary LanguageCSS


This site is built using

  • Ubuntu

  • AWS : EC2, Elastic IP

  • Apache : 3 Sites, Virtual Hosts, a2ensite, a2enmod, mod proxy http, customized document Root

  • JRuby on Rails

  • JQuery

  • Twitter Bootstrap: JS and CSS

  • Google Drive: Docs and Presentations

  • Atlassian: Jira and GreenHopper

  • Git

  • Google Analytics

  • WordPress


Below is the sequence of tasks that I took thus far

  • Setup an EC2 node

  • Purchase a reserved instance of m1.large type

** choice of m1.large was made based on three factors ** Considerable memory may be required for the large number of applications that will be setup ** Higher CPU may not be required given that the load will not be high ** micro, small, medium may be too small for the memory requirements and m2.xlarge would be too high

  • Purchase a reserved instance of shortest term possible (In this case I purchased a node from a 3rd party for 1 month term)

  • Consider a heavy utilization instance since, the node has to be up and running all the time and load cannot be predicted.

  • Take Ubuntu 13.04 AMI

  • Setup Apache

  • Setup MySQL

  • Purchase and Configure a domain name

  • Purchase Jira Starter license and Setup Jira with MySQL as backend

  • Setup WordPress with MySQL as backend

  • Setup a private repository on bitbucket.org to host website project

  • Configure website with Twitter bootstrap starter template

  • Configure website to centralize all content
